Thursday, November 1, 2012

Memories to Last a Lifetime

There is no place like home!
We have been home from our European adventure for 3 months now.  We enjoy reflecting back on our adventures.  It is funny how the kids will mention some memory about the trip at random times.  When we watch tv, listen to the radio or read we will frequently come across something the we can appreciate in a different way because we experienced what is being talked about first hand.  We got home on Saturday evening.  On Sunday morning as we were getting ready for church, a segment came on the news about the pigeons in St. Mark's Square in Venice.   Before our trip, that news story would not have interested us at all.  But we all watched with focused attention because we had fed those same pigeons and stood at that same spot only a few days before.  I have no doubt that our experiences during this trip changed our lives.  The boys can see the world from a whole new perspective.

We are leaving the blog up to help out others who may be planning a similar trip.  If you have stumbled across our blog while doing your own planning, I suggest you start reading back at the first entry on June 3, 2012.

We enjoyed (almost) every minute of our trip.  People frequently ask the boys where they want to go on their next adventure.  Most of the time their response is, "We just want to stay home and relax!"  But, who knows, our next adventure may be sooner than they think!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Thoughts from Ethan

british museum pictures by: Ethan
 these are real Egyptian sarcophagus 
 this is a statue from easter Island
 this is a crystal skull made by mayans who then did not have the technology to make something like this 

 these are pictures of a mayan woman worshiping her husbund by pulling a rope with thorns stuck to it through her tonge (pic. 1) to summon the spirits and ask them for a good harvest  
this is another Mayan decoration of a two headed snake that could be worn as a necklace if a rope was put through the eyes 
 A small statue of a person bull jumping
 this is a vase with Odysseus under a sheep
 this is the head of apollo
 this is a tomb from ancient greece
 this is actually an african coffin
 this is an african head that that looks very life like surprisingly because of lots of little lines on the face

 these are brass plaques from benin

 these are asian symbols of some ones power
 this is a giant asian statue
 this is a model of what an old asian house would look like
 a copy of the discus

 2012 olympic medals that were on display

 this is a clock made of gold

the oldest chess set in the world
 old and modern coins that are all conterfeight 
 the outside of the british museam

2012 olympic arena 

Thoughts from Logan

Well, looks like the trip is over i'd like discuss what I did on the trip.
 1. Went to the top of the Eiffeil tower
 2. Saw the Vatican museum

 3. Saw soom guards

 4. Went to the Colllosuem
 5.Saw a big nose fountain
 5.Got up really high
 6.Saw some purple precious stone
 7.Plenty of statue bits
 8.Saw this family plenty of times
 9.Saw the pantheon
  10.This statue guy is pretty nice
 11.This guy spray painted good
 12.Saw this snail at the baths
 13.Here is the baths
14.A museum

I hope you liked my pictures.  Logan