british museum pictures by: Ethan
these are real Egyptian sarcophagus
this is a statue from easter Island
this is a crystal skull made by mayans who then did not have the technology to make something like this
these are pictures of a mayan woman worshiping her husbund by pulling a rope with thorns stuck to it through her tonge (pic. 1) to summon the spirits and ask them for a good harvest
this is another Mayan decoration of a two headed snake that could be worn as a necklace if a rope was put through the eyes
A small statue of a person bull jumping
this is a vase with Odysseus under a sheep
this is the head of apollo
this is a tomb from ancient greece
this is actually an african coffin
this is an african head that that looks very life like surprisingly because of lots of little lines on the face
these are brass plaques from benin
these are asian symbols of some ones power
this is a giant asian statue
this is a model of what an old asian house would look like
a copy of the discus
2012 olympic medals that were on display
this is a clock made of gold
the oldest chess set in the world
old and modern coins that are all conterfeight
the outside of the british museam
2012 olympic arena