Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Interesting tidbits

1.  Above  you can see all of our earthly possessions for 3 weeks. Each person has a carry on suitcase and a backpack. That seems to be more than enough. But we haven't had an opportunity to do laundry yet so we may be wishing we had more!

2.  We have seen VERY few Americans. We like to follow Rick Steves' advice of "traveling through the back door". But this trip feels like the back, back door. 

3. You don't flush ANYTHING (that doesn't come from your body) down Greek toilets!  These little cans are by every toilet and all tissue goes in them. Greek plumbing is REALLY old. 

1 comment:

  1. This looks very clean compared to some of the WCs we encountered plus the little cans were open.
