Friday, July 20, 2012

High in the Alps (Thurs July 19)

When we woke up this morning we found that the Italian Army had set up a paratroop training exercise in the meadow immediately in front of the hotel.  They were there all day, jumping out of a helicopter, trying to land on the red "x", folding up their 'chutes, and then repeating the process.  It was a pretty good show.
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Scott went for a run* while the rest of the team visited the hotel pool and lounged around a bit.
(*He is hesitant to call it that since at 7000' above sea level, and being generally out of shape, he was lucky to keep up much of a pace!)

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Afterwards we got some sack lunches from the hotel and set off on our own family hike.  If you have seen the movie Heidi you'll have some idea what the landscape was like.  Absolutely gorgeous.  The alpine flowers were a little past their peak but still beautiful.  And what fantastic weather we had that day, 65-70 degrees with a light breeze, made to order!  Some of these pictures look like they are some sort of fake movie set--but it really does look this way.
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IMG 1463Some of this grass looked so good it made you want to be a cow!
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We hiked 2-3 miles from the hotel and climbed a little in elevation but stayed with the relatively easy trails.  Scott pushed on to climb the ridge rimming the meadow and got these shots:



Looking over the ridge in the opposite direction:


There was still a little time left for some evening relaxation before dinner.

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Tomorrow, we are packing up once more and heading off to Venice.  We had planned to spend the day driving through the mountains on the "Great Dolomite Road," but we will probably re-evaluate that idea given that we have had enough of twisty mountain "Roads of Death."   Ciao.

POST-SCRIPT:  The Tale of the Bidet
Everlie:  "Did you use the bidet?"
Scott:  "No, what are you talking about?"
Everlie:  "Did you use the bidet?  The soap package has been opened."
Logan (pipes up):  "That was me, I washed my hands."
Everlie:  "Logan, that isn't a sink for your hands.  That's for washing your bottom."
(Whole family laughing hysterically)
Logan:  "Well, you know, sometimes they have a sink in the room with the toilet."
Scott:  "At least he didn't use it as a water fountain."
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  1. Completely gorgeous! Worth every second of being car sick! TD

  2. I think this would be my favorite part of the trip. It is absolutely gorgeous! Nonna

  3. Mime & I can share in your enjoyment. We have seen some of these same sites. The only difference is now we like the stama to do all these things again.

    Thanks for sharring your vacation,

    "30" times

    Mime & Pawpaw
