Saturday, July 7, 2012

Thoughts from Logan (8 Years Old)

Well it's me again Logan. Well let's get straight to the point. Since i'm at Amsterdam i'd like to point out the differences from London.
1. It's warm here sometimes hot! (Plus pretty much nobody wears a jacket).
2. You see a lot lot lot of bicycles (see below)
3. I haven't seen a single subway station in Amsterdam.
4.  They us differnt kinds of money here. One of the types of money is called a euro.  
5. If they have a King and Queen we sure haven't heard about them! 
6.  On to a whole different subject, a few hours ago we dicced that we were going to have church on the roof! (We have a little spot on the roof just enough for all of us).
7. They speak Dutch.

 Well I shud be going to bed.  Hope you put a comment! Logan



  1. I liked reading your observations. Amsterdam looks like a fun new adventure! Are you learning Dutch?

  2. Thanks for the update Logan! I can't believe all the bikes, have you ridden yet?!
    Enjoy your adventure,
    The Stricklands

  3. Logan, you're funny and stinky. You like swords and win lots of wii games. Take more pictures tomorrow. Have fun! Jackson

  4. Logan, you did a great job. Have fun and learn a lot.

  5. We were in Amsterdam last year. The bikes were too numerous to count. Great to hear about your travels. - George and Karen Wakefield

  6. Hey, Logan, ask your dad if he can read Dutch? I enjoyed your update. Have lots of fun this month. I can't wait to find out what you do next.
    Love, Nonna

  7. I'm really enjoying keeping up with you guys. The memories you are now making will be of great value in the coming years. God bless the Boltons. Monte

  8. Bailey wants to know if there will be mopeds in Paris?


  9. Sorry about my punctuation mistake.


  10. Enjoyed reading your post Logan. Looks like you are having a great trip!
