Friday, July 13, 2012

Louvre, Part Deux (Fri July 13)

It has rained all day, hard at times.  Scott ventured out for supplies since we aren't sure what will be open tomorrow, given it's a National Holiday and all.  We made it out for dinner at a neighborhood place then walked the 2 blocks to the Louvre.

On view for most of the day:  The view out the apartment
window.  Rain, rain, go away...

At the Crepe place.  We had the upstairs dining room to ourselves.

The rain always dramatically decreases once we get back inside!
The Louvre was much more sane this visit.  The Big Bus tour groups aren't there in the evenings.  We could actually see stuff!
The Louvre goes on and on--to a point of infinity.  Reportedly, if you looked at each object for 4 seconds
 and were there every time the doors were open it would take you 6 months to see it all.

More gilded rooms leftover from some French king.  Whoever
made that gold paint made a killing.

The rooms are sometimes as impressive as the
items on display.

We actually got to stand next to Winged Victory this time...

...and got "up close and personal" with Mona.
We also had time to check out some different pieces that were new to us:

Scott has entitled this work Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy--Four Old Men at the Urinal

You may not recognize this one right away.
It's called Apollyon Trying For
Better Cell Phone Reception
After the Louvre we trudged home through the rain.  We made a stop at our local fire station because traditionally the fireman hold an all night cookout/ party for charity the night before Bastille Day.   
We stopped by the Pompiers' (Fireman's) Ball,  However, the soiree at our local
station was decidedly an adults-only type affair, so we headed home.
Our crew has threatened mutiny if not allowed to sleep in tomorrow and we are out of dry socks and shoes, so it looks like we will finally have some down time for La Fete Nationale.  Vive La France!


  1. Love the blog posts although I think I am starting to get sympathetic flat feet and low back pain from all the museums, etc. I have also gained weight thinking about all the good food you are eating!
    The 3 mighty men are to be congratulated for their stamina. Most children would have run away by now, taken refuge in the American Embassy or left their parents bound and gagged in an alley. Glad to hear they are getting a day to sleep in.

  2. I understand about the "burn out" on museums. Do not foget that we have museums in the USA. You will enjoy the mountains in Austria and Switzerland. Be sure and take the cog train to the top. Sking may not be in season but you will enjoy the scenery. Near Interlocking, Switzerland there is an ice castle on the mountain which should prove to be enteresting. Be sure to include a coat for the visit. Pawpaw
