We had grand plans to arise early Sunday morning, but a red-eye flight took its (delayed) toll on some members of the family. Scott got up early and went for a slow run past Picadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, the Thames River, the London Eye, Parliament /Big Ben/ Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, and Sotheby's Auction House. He returned home and announced that he had seen it all and was ready to move on to the next city!
We had to resort to McDonald's for breakfast since absolutely nothing (and I mean nothing) is open Sunday morning in London. According to Scott, that is because most Londoners are headed home to bed around 6 AM. Once we did get everyone going we rode one of those hop-on, hop-off bus tours. We know they are a little cheesy, but it was a good way to get a general overview of the big sights.
Aboard the open double decker bus tour |
We got off the bus and headed toward some of the big sites.
Big Ben and Houses of Parliament in the background. |
We had planned to attend church at Westminster Abbey, but assumed we wouldn't be let in when we arrived late. However, they let slackers sit in the Nave. Fortunately we didn't miss too much of the service. It was quite an experience to attend church with Isaac Newton several rows in front and Dr. David Livingston ("
Doctor Livingston I presume") in the row next to you. Besides, Winston Churchill had a worse seat than we did, he sits way in the back.
Westminster Abbey, on this site since 960 AD and in its present form since 1300ish. |
Back on the bus, Gus. |
We descended from the sublime back down to the regular Hubbub of London's traffic and seemingly continual scattered showers. Of note, we did score some primo seats under the covered section of the upper section.
Regents Street, a couple of blocks from our apartment |
Although we've been to "that thar big city" more than once, London seems more bustling and crowded than most. We decided that they need to replace the "Please Mind the Gap" announcement on the subway with one that says "Today's Pedestrian Death Toll is _______."
The wavy traffic lines mean "please swerve wildly at this point" |
We got in a little more sight seeing along the way:
Tower Bridge with its special 2012 olympic rings.
You can see the Olympic preparations in place everywhere.
We are glad we will not be here for them--you can tell it's going to be a madhouse! |
Davis at a playground adjacent to the Tower of London.
Gravity just hasn't been the same in London since Newton died. |
"King of the Hill." At the adjacent Tower of London,
they had more permanent ways of determining who would be King! |
At the Apple Store. The boys could only take so much of this history stuff.
They had all the iPads you could ever want! |
We continued our "gastronomic adventures" with a trip to Subway. We know! We know! But you try eating out all the time with three kids. Besides it was still a cultural experience--did you know they don't have the "Cold Cut Combo" in the UK?! Gasp! |
All Saints Church, just down the street from our "flat." We wandered up here because it looked interesting. We arrived as the Sunday evening service was in progress. We came on in, but we had to sit in the the telecasted annex in the Basement with the rest of the late slackers (late for church 2X in one day....we're getting a reputation!). We were expecting about 30 people in there but found a vibrant congregation of a few thousand. ("The Lord reserves his thousands"). |
On the Tower Bridge looking West along the Thames. The Tower of London is at our right. |
Everlie had been very diligent in her preparations and got us tickets to the "Ceremony of the Keys" at the Tower of London. This is the nightly ceremony where the Yeoman Warders (aka "Beefeaters") lock the place up. Apparently they've been doing this every night for 700 years. About 50 people get to attend every night.
The Tower of London just before Sunset |
The Yeoman Warder letting us in. |
We had a long day and got back pretty late. Traveling as a family is always a bit challenging, but we're only marginally irritable. Each one of us has their challenges: Everlie and Logan are both nursing colds, Davis and Ethan intermittently stare off into space due to lack of sleep, and Scott, well he's just like he always is! Fortunately, we are holding together OK but look forward to getting everyone well and over the jet lag.
Logan down for the count. |
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